We made these to celebrate the Queens official birthday in June. You will need a paper cup, a hollow egg shell, some cotton wool, cress seeds, a little water, the base of the cardboard from an egg box that the egg sits in, cut down to about 1cm tall, to stand the egg in, some gold coloured paper and some sequins and glue and sellotape. Rainbows place the cup upside down and glue the cardboard egg holder onto this (a glue gun is stronger for this, but adults will have to do this bit if using a glue gun). Next gently hold the egg shell and place some cotton wool inside the shell up to 3/4 full. Now gently stick the egg head into the cardboard egg holder with some more glue.
You can measure around the widest part of the cup and from the base of the cup to the top of the egg holder to get the right size piece of paper. Next glue or sellotape this on to form a dress and gently fold in the ruffle and glue or tape into place. Then the Rainbows can stick sequins onto the dress to show off their artistic talents!
Now the Rainbows can sprinkle some cress seeds onto the wet cotton wool.
Cut a zig zag edge along one long edge for the top of the crown, stick this around the top of the egg and decorate if needed. Put your name on a piece of paper and attach to back of queen, so we know whos is whos. Place on a window sill at home and watch it grow, let us know back at Rainbows how it did. Don't forget to keep it watered when at home on the windowsill, then look forward to having some cress sandwiches! |