Information for Parents

Help Needed
Information for Parents

A Worldwide Movement
When your daughter joins Rainbows she becomes a member of of Girlguiding UK, the largest voluntary organisation for girls and young women in this country.  It has around 600,000 members.  There are similar organisations throughout the world and Girlguiding UK is a founding member of the world association that unites them.

What do Rainbows Need?
For her first few meetings your daughter needs nothing to experience the fun of being a Rainbow.  Girlguiding UK produces a range of Rainbow items.  Your daughter can choose what she wants to wear from a range of Rainbow clothes.  Once your daughter has been to a few meetings and is sure she wants to become a Rainbow, she will be given a Rainbow bag and a "Ready for Rainbows" book. 

Once your daughter has decided she would like to join Rainbows, (usually after she has been to 1 or 2 meetings), she can decide what Rainbow clothes she would like to wear to the meetings.  All we ask is that she at least wears either the tabard or the polo shirt.

Details of all the Rainbow wear are available here.

Rainbow Leaders
The adults who run a Rainbow unit are called Guiders.  They are unpaid volunteers who have completed Girlguiding UK training.  They are usually helped by a team of other young women or adults such as:

bulleta local Guide aged 11 or over
bulleta Young Leader aged 14 or over
bulleta Unit Helper: an adult who regularly helps at meetings
bulletother adults who are willing to help occasionally - often parents

Girlguiding UK recommends for the Rainbow age group that there is at least one adult for every five girls.  There are always at least two adult leaders in any Rainbow unit, regardless of the number girls.  For some activities or events, such as sleepovers, more adult helpers are needed.

Child Protection Policies
It is the policy of Girlguiding UK to safeguard its members from physical, sexual and emotional harm while participating in guiding activities.  Girlguiding UK takes all reasonable steps to ensure that, through relevant procedures and training, children, young people and adults taking part in guiding activities do so in a safe environment.

Parental Permission
It is understood that you give your permission for your daughter to take part in Rainbow activities during the normal meeting time.  Your permission is sometimes needed for your daughter to take part in events, outings or activities at a different time or place.

Support Your Daughter
Girlguiding UK encourages you to support your daughter's involvement in Rainbows so she can get the most from the experience.

Please ensure

bulletYou deliver and collect your daughter at the appropriate times.  We will let you know in advance of any changes to the normal time and place.  Always check that an adult leader has arrived before you leave your daughter.  Please tell Coralie if somebody different from usual will be collecting your daughter.  Rainbows are never left unsupervised, but if you are persistently late you may be asked to make other safe arrangements for your daughter to be collected.
bulletYour daughter wears suitable clothing and footwear for activities.  Coralie will let you know in advance of any particular requirements for an activity.
bullet You return forms and payments on time.  If you have difficulties completing forms or making payments, please talk to Coralie who will treat what you say in confidence and may well be able to help out.
bulletYou inform Coralie of any additional needs your daughter may have and any medication she requires, such as an inhaler.  Please remember to tell Coralie of any changes to these.   All information will be treated in confidence.
bulletYou inform Coralie of any change in the family situation that is likely to affect your daughter's behaviour.  It is not necessary to give details.  All information will be treated in confidence.

Any confidential information will be used sensitively to ensure that your daughter gains the maximum enjoyment and benefit from being a Rainbow.  If there are any matters that may affect your daughter's participation then please do discuss these with Coralie.

Please encourage your daughter so she attends meetings regularly and takes part in special activities.  Occasionally she may want to do things at home that require your assistance.

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