Put a few drops of peppermint essence onto the ready to roll icing and
a tea spoon of the CMC powder - The CMC powder is not essential but it
does harden the sweets and stops them from sticking to each other in a
Sprinkle a little icing sugar onto the clean work top and kneed the
mixture until mixed thoroughly. Taste the icing to see if it's
peppermint flavour is ok, if not keep adding a bit more until it is minty
Roll out the icing until about ½cm thick, then press Christmas shaped
cutters into it. Place these onto wax paper and decorate with silver
edible balls ( you may need a tiny bit of water on the end of a cocktail
stick, to stick the ball to the icing.
the same with the other block of icing, so that you have some green and
some white sweets. You could partly mix the two colours together to
get a marbled effect.
When dried out, put the sweets into a container to take home or to give
as a present.