Plan 2004

Autumn 2002
Spring 2003
Summer 2003
Autumn 2003
Report 2003
Plan 2004
Spring 2004
Summer 2004
Autumn 2004
Plan Winter 2005
Spring 2005
Winter 2005
Spring 2006
Summer 2006

Provisional Programme
Spring Term 2004
(Try Clicking on the Pictures)


Week 1 - Jan 9th

Discuss new promise and colouring-in sheet with new words printed in grey for Rainbows to ink over. - Frank to print
Make Rainbow Spoon Puppets. - Frank spoons - Coralie Tabards, hair etc.
Self portraits for web site
Rainbow Chat about Christmas - Linda
Play Hokey Kokey - Linda
(Planning meeting 1 hour before Rainbows and 1 hour after)


Week 2 - Jan 16th

Scottish Evening to be continued next week
Story of Bonnie Prince Charlie - Jo to bring book in
Shortbread or oat somethings! - Coralie to bring in
Nessie wide game - "Small World" page 14 -
Thistle Mosaic from "Small World" page 13 - Frank to Print - Coralie to bring in
Letter to remind Rainbows to bring in tartan next week and get permission for the Rainbows to taste haggis, neeps and tatties! - Frank to do letter


Week 3 - Jan 23rd

Burns' Night - Taste Haggis, neeps and tatties - Coralie to prepare and bring in
Poem - Robbie Burns' "To a Mouse" - Coralie
Indoor Golf - Coralie to bring in
Scottish Dancing - Jo


Week 4 - Jan 30th

Chinese New Year - "Year of the Monkey"
Little red boxes - "Small World" page 6
Willow Pattern paper plates - "Small World" page 7
Paper Lanterns - "Small World" page 82
Prawn crackers, chop sticks and fortune cookies - Coralie to provide and bring in


Week 5 - Feb 6th

New Zealand National Day - New Zealand Rainbows are called "Pippins" - "Pippins care and Pippins share with other children everywhere"
Maori Sticks game - "Small World" - page 10 - Get sticks from Guides
Cross stitching - Silver Fern, (NZ national emblem) - Linda
Pom-poms - Jo to bring in wool - Linda organising
French knitting - Frank to make bobbins - Jo to bring in wool
Letter home about next weeks Valentine's disco and tea.


Week 6 - Feb 13th

Valentine's evening
Game "I Sent a Letter to my Love" 
Laminated place mats
Decorate Heart biscuits or clay hanging hearts on ribbons


Week 7 - Feb 20th

Half Term - No meeting



Week 8 - Feb 27th

Pancake Day - (Shrove Tuesday 24th February)
Talk about the meaning of Shrove Tuesday and why we have pancakes
Pancakes - Rainbows to make the batter - Fillings lemon, sugar and/or syrup
Pancake races
Talk about "Thinking Day", Feb 22nd - Candles
Start taking digital photos for use on "Mother's Day" cakes


Week 9 - March 5th

St David's Day - Patron Saint of Wales - (1st March)
Rainbow Chat
Cardboard Daffodils - "Seasonal Suggestions" page 6
Decorate plant pots with daffodils
Welsh Flag puzzle


Week 10 - March 12th

St Patrick's Day - Patron Saint of Ireland
Rainbow crossword puzzle - "Small World" pages 33 & 92
Parachute Games
Giant dominoes and "snakes and ladders"
(May need to swap weeks for swimming gala)

Saturday - March 13th - Reigate Division Rainbows - "Finding Nemo" afternoon in Reigate - Numbers to Coralie by 27th Feb - £2 per Rainbow


Week 11 - March 19th

Mothers Day - Cakes with "Self Portraits" on - Frank to Print - Coralie to bring in Cellophane, ribbon, heart tags
Cards with photograph - Frank to print
Little paper Rainbows for colouring in when helpful at home

Sunday - March 21st - Mothering Sunday Church Parade


Week 12 - March 26th

Indian Festival of Colours - "Holi"
Story of Holi
Indian Rainbows are called cub-bulbuls, they wear yellow T-shirts and blue shorts.
Microwave Puppodums, Simosas etc.
Ribbon streamers and/or bangles - "Rainbow Promise Pack" page 24
Jo to bring in her sari to show the Rainbows

Week 13 - April 2nd

Easter Week
Cadbury's Cream Eggs - Linda to buy
Egg hunt - All helpers
Make eggs into Easter bunnies with icing etc. - Coralie in small groups
Easter Bonnets - Jenny and Victoria in small groups