Please Mr Crocodile
Ask all the Rainbows to stand against the wall on one side of the room.
A leader starts the game off by being the crocodile and she stands in the
middle of the room, opposite the Rainbows, and says go.
Rainbows then chant 'please Mr. Crocodile, may we cross the water, to see your
ugly daughter, in a cup and saucer?
The leader says 'only if you are wearing blue' (she chooses a different
colour each time, reminding them that they can not count the colours on their
Rainbow badge, above the promise badge as colours for this game).
The Rainbows who have got the colour blue can walk safely across the room.
Rainbows who have not got blue on, have to run to the other side of the room,
trying not to get caught by the crocodile. They are safe when they touch the
wall on the opposite side to the one they have just come from.
Rainbows who get caught become crocodiles too. These Rainbows can help
decide on the next colour to choose , in a whisper, so that the ones left in
don't hear, before deciding. the game gets more and more crocodiles each time
until the last Rainbow is left and is the winner. This Rainbow could start
the next game off.